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What is ALN?

ALN stands for Additional Learning Need. A child may have an identified need for a period of time or for the duration of their school career. An additional need may be identified due to a medical need or a cognitive, behavioural, social and emotional, physical delay or difficulty.


At St David’s we are committed to ensuring all children, regardless of background or ability, are able to thrive and achieve their full potential in a nurturing and inclusive environment.


We apply rigorous identification, assessment and monitoring procedures based on the Additional Learning Needs Code for Wales and current Welsh Government regulations centred on the whole child and ensure these are applied effectively across the school.


We work closely with families and a variety of external agencies such as Educational Psychology teams, SpLD advisory services and mental health organisations such as CAMHS. We use a child centred approach to develop specific and targeted support for children with an identified additional learning need and for those children who may require short term catch up support. 


For further information on ALN provision at St David’s please refer to the school policy for ALN or contact Mr L Shepherd (ALNCo)
